Tips for Dining Out

Going out to eat with friends or family should always be fun, social and enjoyable — but let’s be real: Sometimes, it’s a struggle.

If you’re anything like me, you used to or still struggle a lot with dining out or ordering in. There was a point in my life where I felt eating differently (away from my usual routine and staples) would “break my diet.”

It took a while, but once I was able to change my views about food, I really started to enjoy going out to eat with the people I care about. What really changed my mindset was this: one meal will not make you gain weight. Let me say that again: one night filled with dirty martinis, chicken parm, cheesecake or what-have-you will not set you back on your weight-loss journey. Losing weight doesn’t have to mean giving up everything you love and enjoy, especially if it’s spending quality time with people you love.

Here are the tips that I swear by whenever I’m at a restaurant or ordering in. They’ve really worked for me and I know you’ll love them too:

  1. Don’t Skip a Meal: If you’re planning on going out for dinner, please have a normal day of eating and don’t skip any meals. I know so many people who will skip breakfast or lunch knowing they’re going out at night — but they end up missing out on so many key nutrients throughout the day and end up craving everything by the time dinner rolls around. By trying to limit your calories, you’ll actually end up doing the exact opposite and likely overeat at dinner. On the other hand, if you’re going out for brunch and you’re hungry beforehand (those two-hour waits are no joke!), have a breakfast or a small snack to hold you over. I always have my usual breakfast before brunch, and when I’m going out for dinner, I’ll eat a balanced breakfast, lunch, and a few snacks.

  2. Have a Snack Before Dinner: Like I said before: If you’re starving when you get to the restaurant, you’ll probably overeat. I recommend having a fiber-packed snack to keep you full before dinner. One of my favorite snacks before going out to dinner is a plate with baby carrots, apple slices, and peanut butter — but for more on that check out my top 10 go-to snacks here.

  3. Read the Menu Before You Go: Since most restaurants have menus online, do yourself a favor and look at the menu earlier in the day. If you have an idea in your head about what you’re going to eat while you’re out, making a healthy choice will be much easier.

  4. Share the Apps: Going out to eat is much more fun when you share food and enjoy it with others, plus it’s a chance for you to sample different dishes. By starting the meal off with appetizers, you won’t feel as hungry when your main meal comes along, leading to (you guessed it!) overeating. I’ll usually go with a salad, shrimp cocktail, guacamole and veggies, and tuna tartare depending on what’s on the menu.

  5. Stick to Simple Drinks: I always tell people to void sugary drinks. They cause you to crave more sugary drinks, more food, and give you a headache later that night or the next day (ugh!). Instead, go with vodka on the rocks (I love Tito’s) with a splash of lime juice and lemons, a dirty martini (this I cannot resist), tequila (my boyfriend’s beverage choice), and wine. You can never go wrong with a glass of red wine since it’s made up of powerful antioxidants.

  6. Ask to Make a Health Swap: Don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. If you see something on the menu that you want to change, just ask! For example, if you want a dish that contains yellow rice but would rather have extra veggies, or you don’t want cheese on your salad, speak up! More often than not, the restaurant will want to accommodate you and be understanding.

  7. Ask for Sauces on the Side: It’s totally okay to have sauces in moderation, but a lot of them have a ton of sugar in them. For example, the sauce on a salmon dish might have hundreds of unnecessary calories, so it’s best to ask for sauce on the side so you can control how many you’re consuming.

  8. Chew Your Food Thoroughly: We’re all a little guilty of not doing this, right? Whether you’re at a restaurant or not, slow down! When you chew your food thoroughly, it helps break it down. This improves your digestion and helps your stomach metabolize your food. If you don’t chew properly, your body won’t signal when you are actually full until a bit later. This can cause bloating, and we all know we don’t want that.

  9. Drink Water Throughout the Meal: This is one of my favorite pro tips. It’s always important to drink a lot of water, but especially before you go out to eat. You’ll want to drink a lot of water before the meal, but also make sure you’re staying hydrated throughout it, too. When you do so, you’ll be able to tell when you are full. Sometimes you might think you're hungry, but your body might actually just need to hydrate.

  10. Enjoy Yourself: At the end of the day, you’re here to enjoy yourself and live your life. If you’re eating at your favorite Italian restaurant and they’re known for their gnocchi, get the gnocchi! Remember: one food will not make you gain weight. If you restrict yourself from eating the gnocchi, you’ll be denying yourself of something delicious and you’ll probably be thinking about it all night, which can lead to binge eating later that day or over the weekend.


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