Movement is Medicine

Bio-individuality is the belief that each individual has unique needs because everyone has a different body composition, metabolism, and cell structure. This is why your best friend might love running, but you absolutely hate it and prefer a walk in your neighborhood while listening to a podcast. If you are constantly doing a workout that you dread doing and keep staring at the clock waiting for the time to pass, then stop doing that workout!

Both moderate and vigorous activity can increase life span and daily quality of life. Even short bursts of physical activity can boost energy, improve sleep quality, and support a healthy weight. I personally love strength and cardio classes, but you might want to explore walking, running, stretching, biking, swimming, or barre. You can even do push-ups during a commercial break or squats and lunges while your dinner is in the oven.

Physical activity has benefits on the entire body including the cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, muscular system, nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, and skeletal system. One of the main reasons I make sure to move everyday is because of the emotional benefits a workout brings. It helps manage stress levels, produces endorphins and induces “feel good emotions”, increases self esteem, body confidence, and feelings of empowerment. Movement is medicine.

I have been loving Froyotofitness live zoom classes, which are a mix of cardio, strength, and sculpt. All of these workouts get my heart rate up and I am dripping sweat after every class (even the sculpt classes). I’m the type of person that likes to feel apart of a community and needs the accountability. Even though I’m not actually going to a gym or studio now, I am working out with a community (the FTF community) in real time via zoom with a dedicated instructor (MaryKate). I’m not even thinking about when gyms and studios will reopen because I have found a workout that truly brings me joy everyday, and makes me feel strong and confident. This type of workout might not be for you, or it might be! Now is the time to figure out what movement is best for you!

I reached out to MaryKate Schmidt, the creator of Froyotofitness, to answer some questions because her platform empowers women (including myself) to live a healthy lifestyle.

Q: How and when did you decide to create your own workout guides and classes?

A: In 2015 I moved to Scottsdale Arizona and started Kayla Itsines BBG program on a whim. I was in a dark place and really needed to make changes in my life. I was drinking a lot, turning to food as a coping mechanism, and really just didn't like who I was! It was week after week of doing her program that I began to start seeing amazing results not only physically, but also mentally! For the first time in years, I was loving workouts and finally starting to feel good in my own skin. After 3 years of doing her program, I moved back to Chicago and was on a plane for work one day answering messages after messages about my weight loss journey and I had this "AH HA" moment. I thought to myself "why don't I just make my own workout guides?" At that point I had already shifted away from BBG and started creating my own workouts, so I was like why not share them with the rest of the world! Long story short, I put a "feeler" on my Instagram and soon had hundreds of girls wanting to train with me! Of course, I couldn't manage that many people so I took on 5 clients for 12 weeks and guided them through my training virtually! All of the women were different backgrounds, ages, and at different stages in their fitness journey! After 12 weeks, they all saw amazing results so I felt confident to launch my 12 week guide to the world. I hired two of my friends to make me a website, design the guide, and on May 8th, 2018 my 12 week guide was for sale! Thousands of women bought it in the first months and it's continued to grow and grow over the years! With recent changes in the world, I saw a NEED for movement so I started incorporating "LIVE" training into my routine through Instagram. I created such a community that I wanted to make the experience more personal and intimate so I recently shifted my Instagram LIVE trainings into ZOOM and am having so much fun! It's amazing to see the community every day, be able to correct form, and cheer each other on!

Q: Women (including myself) see such INCREDIBLE results on your programs. Can you explain why the FTF method works?

I think the FTF method works because I follow a format that typically includes strength training, followed by cardio blasts/bursts to get the heart rate up in a short amount of time! For years, I was scared to lift weights with the fear that I would bulk up, but I soon learned that the more muscle I had the more fat I would burn, and ultimately the stronger and leaner I would get! I love my workouts because they're mentally and physically challenging while giving you endorphins to make you FEEL good, which is what it's ALL about!!

Q: How do you stay motivated to move every day?

Movement truly is MEDICINE for me!! I spent many years struggling with anxiety and depression after quitting my Division I volleyball career. I noticed the biggest thing missing for me was MOVEMENT! I was an athlete from age 5-20, being part of a team, and having people push me to be better then when I quit I lost all of that and truly lost myself. It's movement that has enabled me to find myself again! I move to FEEL good not to look good :)!

Q: What is your philosophy surrounding food?

I'm a firm believer in BALANCE, but I also know in order to reach specific goals nutrition is SO important. I believe FOOD is FUEL and I think for too many years I restricted myself thinking I was doing my body good when truly I was creating unsustainable habits that led to overeating, binge eating, and on/off dieting. I found what works best for me is focusing on macronutrients as a way to understand how I am fueling my body and to be able to enjoy the foods I love! For too long, I would only eat basic bland foods which left me wanting everything .. cookies, donuts, ice cream, you name it, where if I would've just "allowed" myself to eat those things I wouldn't go off the walls for them! Now, with the approach, I follow I am able to fit things in while still maintaining a healthy weight all year round! Food is the HARDEST part for everyone because we love it, it's social, and we NEED it! I think people get so hung up on eating too clean where in reality it really comes down to the 80% .. 20% rule. One good day won't make you and one bad day won't break you!

MaryKate is offering all of my readers 20% off of one live zoom class using the code ‘DRENCHED’. click here to take a look at the live zoom workout schedule.


“One good day won't make you and one bad day won't break you!”


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