‘How To’ Sessions

These sessions are 1-6 hours long (depending on the service), and are guaranteed to be both  fun and effective! This is a great way to make simple lifestyle changes and build long-term habits that support your health goals.

‘How to’ Navigate Your Grocery Store

 The grocery store can be much more overwhelming than it has to be! It can kind of feel like playing chess without knowing the rules. “Where do I find the chia seeds?” or “What’s the difference between these two brands of ketchup?” or “What’s the difference between the blue label and the green label – looks the same to me.” I’m here to teach you how to play the game.

We’ll walk through your grocery store of choice and go over what to look for, the basics to always have in your kitchen, and the benefits of reading a nutrition/ingredient label. After the session, we will build a customized grocery list based on your preferences.

‘How to’ Clean out Your Fridge & Freezer

Tired of trying to navigate a cluttered fridge? Ready to get rid of that red sauce that expired last decade? We will analyze your fridge & freezer to optimize storage space, and get rid of  any items that are expired or will derail you from reaching your goals. Afterwards, I’ll  provide you with a customized grocery list based on your favorite food items.

‘How to’ Clean out Your Pantry

Just like the fridge & freezer cleanout, we will analyze your pantry for optimal storage and optimal goal achievement. Afterwards, I’ll provide you with a custom list of healthy items to restock it with.

‘How to’ Cook the Basics

Want to learn to make more than just grilled cheese and pasta, but don’t need to go all the way to gourmet status? This is just for you! This program will teach you to make quick and simple recipes that will be both delicious and help you towards your goals.

Based on your food likes and dislikes, any allergies, and your goals, I’ll teach you quick, easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacktime.

These can be done via facetime/zoom