Tofu, Quinoa, & Onion with Coconut Aminos


  • 1 package of 14 ounce firm tofu (I buy from Trader Joe’s)

  • 1 sweet onion or yellow onion, diced

  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa OR 1 packet of the Organic Fully Cooked Organic Quinoa from Trader Joe’s

  • Coconut aminos to taste (I buy from Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s)

  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil OR a lot of Trader Joe’s Extra Virgin Spanish Olive Oil Spray

  • Spices to taste (salt, onion powder, and garlic powder)


  1. Follow the instructions on the quinoa bag. If you are using the Organic Fully Cooked Organic Quinoa from Trader Joe’s then just follow the instructions to microwave.

  2. Set aside the quinoa.

  3. Spray a small skillet with cooking spray.

  4. Carefully add the onion to the pan over medium to high heat.

  5. Add the oil or extra virgin olive oil spray and mix every couple of minutes.

  6. When the onions are browned to your liking then turn the stove off and set pan aside.

  7. Drain and rinse the tofu.

  8. Pat the tofu dry with a paper towel to remove excess water.

  9. Cut into small, bite-sized cubes.

  10. Spray a large skillet with cooking spray.

  11. Carefully add the tofu in a single layer to the pan over medium to high heat.

  12. Sear the larger sides of the tofu for 5 minutes each.

  13. Add the cooked quinoa and the onion to the tofu and mix until warmed.

  14. Next, add the coconut aminos and spices then turn off the stove and mix the dish around.

  15. Serve with veggies on the side or enjoy as your main!

Serving: 4


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